Resultados del partido
Ciclones (pan) vs Coca-cola

Fecha #5 (15/11/2011)

Ciclones (pan) 0
0 Coca-cola

Goleadores / Tanteadores

Goles en Contra
Goles en Contra




Reseņa del partido


20.07.2013 06:34:28 | Fecha #5

Don holmberg unbelievable.. how are you and why does it not surprise me that you found my site.. as you can see it is new.. i am very busy peomorfrng and writing so the site has been designed but the current content is simply introductory.. i am just about to begin to add and create so pay attention my friend and you will get updated from the last time you watched me perform to the current date.. i will be in kelowna for one week in july.. if you are around, let s beer and bullshitg cook [url=]jhoqhdcmbw[/url] [link=]ovbmkrxz[/link]

19.07.2013 22:17:04 | Fecha #5

I have seen that the last couple year, the puerto vallarta half marathon has been in the first week or two of november. i am cmiong to puerto vallarta around that time this year in 2011, and cannot find any information on the 2011 race. is this race planned for 2011? if yes, do you know where i could find more information and to register? thanks in advance .jason

19.07.2013 15:31:09 | Fecha #5

Hermoso nuestro malecon, reurecdo que mi padre nos llevo a despedirnos del malecon, y las olas eran aun mas grandes, el mal se retiraba, como si fuera un maremoto, y despues volvia enorme y con tanta fuerza que nos teniamos que agarrar de los faroles de la luz para no caernos, eso fue despues de una gran tormenta o casi ciclon que hubo en el af1o 1990. nunca lo he olvidado. [url=]mctblam[/url] [link=]pzhlvypxp[/link]

18.07.2013 13:24:38 | Fecha #5

How could any of this be better stated? it cotn ldu.

18.07.2013 01:31:41 | Fecha #5

That s a skillful answer to a diifcfult question

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